Learn a new word from the Quran each day this Ramadhan 5

I’m always looking for ways to make the Quran more approachable and understandable for my children, and recently came across this great idea from a fellow blogger.

She has found 30 nouns from the Quran and made little word cards for each with a Quranic reference. These have been put into exciting little envelopes for children to open. Children reveal one card a day and see if they can find this word in the verse selected.

The words are easy to explain to young kids, and a starter discussion has been preprepared for each word too!

The words eventually come together in a 30 day Ramadhan calendar.

It’s all been prepared and ready to print off and use, so take a look…

30 words from the Quran in 30 days from Parenthood Muslim Style

30 words from the Quran Ramadan Activity

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5 thoughts on “Learn a new word from the Quran each day this Ramadhan

  • A mum of two boys

    I did the first two words with my kids today. It made it so much easier for me that the verses were referenced and the right story had been selected too. The kids enjoyed finding out that the stories they had heard could be found directly in the Quran. I really do think it helps in making it a relevant text for them. Thank you!

    • Iqra Games Post author

      I’ve been doing it with my boys and they are enjoying it too. You are definitely right about the convenience of pre-prepared resources!

  • Nayema Mohammad

    I always wanted to make my students more familiar with the Qur’an and this is the best way to start. This is so helpful. Thank you so much.